CSR initiatives of Citi India


Aflatoun considers teachers as the true change agents; hence, before teaching the students, the teachers are taught. Dedicated workshops are conducted by experienced trainers wherein the teachers are introduced to progressive teaching methodologies which help children connect with the program and participate actively.

The Aflatoun curriculum encourages ‘learning by doing’. Over and above structured lessons, it engages students through joyful activities like story-telling, song and dance, games, savings clubs, as well as financial and community improvement enterprises. Equal importance is given towards creating a cohesive and friendly environment where the children can learn while having fun.

The focus of the curriculum is on

  • Importance of saving
  • Entrepreneurial skills
  • Planning and budgeting
  • Basic rights and responsibilities
  • Bank transactions through mock bank activities
  • Commitment towards community and environment




The Aflatoun Effect

A recent internal evaluation showed that 80% of the children who underwent this program have become regular savers and 71% of them are determined to complete their college education with the help of their savings. Around 95,000 children and youth have ingrained in themselves the principles of budgeting, planning and banking transactions, being aware of their importance in their lives.


