Association for Development of Human and Community Rebuilding

Association for Development of Human and Community Rebuilding, commonly known as ADHAR is an expert group in Humanitarian Response and Disaster Preparedness. ADHAR mission is based on the simple premises that people in distress have a right to assistance and a right to a life with dignity. ADHAR has a mission to reach the most vulnerable people living in disaster situations and to bring women to the forefront of active decision making regarding their own lives and that of their families. An association of committed volunteers and professional human to respond to emergencies makes ADHAR one of the truly focused implementation agency in West Bengal. Based on the recommendations of Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response and Sphere Project, ADHAR initiatives emphasizes on the right of disaster affected as well as disaster vulnerable people to live with dignity.
- People who are vulnerable to disasters and people who are affected by disasters have a right to life with dignity and thus a right for assistance
- Humanitarian initiatives, be it a proactive or a reactive measure, should comply to the minimum standards spelt in the Humanitarian Charter and Sphere Project
- Humanitarian interventions should be transparent and accountable to all stakeholders
- People are the true owners of their own Rights and thus, any humanitarian intervention should invariably include involvement and participation of the people

Key areas of intervention
- To promote disaster resistant water and sanitation structure as a part of advocacy in integrating DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) components into WASH activities.
- To use practical solutions to provide safe water, effective sanitation and hygiene education to the rural community people and for school children.
- To promote the minimum standards spelt in the Humanitarian Charter and Sphere Project.
- To aware the community people on right based government programs and policies and to ensure benefit of these.
- To develop entrepreneurial skills for youth self-employment.
- To promote school sanitation safe hygiene practices for the school children.
- To facilitate holistic empowerment of women through strengthening SHG and imparting training on environmentally sound, sustainable, agro-based livelihood and income- generation activities.
Registration and Recognition
The organization is registered under the West Bengal Society Registration Act of 1961 on 24th May 2002 and obtains FCRA registration on 2006 under foreign contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) 1976. The organization is also registered under 12 AA and 80 G 95) (vi) of The Income Tax Act 1961 The organization is recognized by State IAG (Inter agency Group), West Bengal.
Fact sheet
ADHAR was formed in 2000 and started working in Orissa. The organization was registered under the West Bengal Society Registration Act of 1961 in May 2002 and foreign contribution Regulation Act. Today ADHAR is working in the states of West Bengal and Orissa and, in recent past, had representations in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir.
ADHAR promotes practical solutions to provide safe water, effective sanitation and hygiene education to the rural community people and for school children. ADHAR focuses on integrating Disaster Risk Reduction components into WASH activities aiming people in distress have a right to assistance and a right to a life with dignity. ADHAR also focuses on capacity building of SHGs as a part of women empowerment.
ADHAR has a mission to reach the most vulnerable people living in disaster situations and to bring women to the forefront of active decision making regarding their own lives and that of their families.
- The aims and objectives for which the society is established are humanitarian assistance for relief, restoration, rehabilitation of the displaced and development of the socially and economically marginalized groups for a dignified life to attain basic needs and the promotion of economic activities and sustainable livelihood or any other objects to the targeted population groups.
- To assist / encourage communities to identify and create its own organizations and other forums of collective action, that are truly representative in nature as well as to train and motivate people to assume complete responsibility for sustaining the growth of these organizations, and mobilization of local resources.
- To empower the communities to improve the quality of life of the under privileged section of urban, semi-urban, rural and tribal communities irrespective of caste, creed, religion, gender and to join hands with all who work towards making a just society, as stated in the constitution based on truth, justice, equality, mutual respect and democratic values.
- To encourage, assist, promote and co-ordinate through specific action projects and constructive work towards building up a self reliant community.
- To create field understanding and co-operation between community, government, local self government bodies and service of welfare agencies for improving civic consciousness, so that Government or civic or panchayat institutions, in so far it may be in harmony with the aims of the Association, can be implemented with the active participation and co-operation of the people.
- To facilitate co-ordination and integrated planning with official bodies and representatives from various communities where ever possible so as to involve marginalized people in development process to fight poverty, disease, malnutrition, illiteracy, gender equity and other discriminations.
- To provide, organize, promote, maintain, manage and render relief services for the people affected with natural or man made calamity like war, civil disturbances, riot, drought, famine, earthquake, flood, fire, cyclone, epidemic etc combined with restoration and rehabilitation of disaster victims.
- To provide technical guidance and consultancy to Government organizations, NGOs and other partners in the field of development and disaster management in carrying out research studies and surveys through various social research techniques and provide support to different phases of project cycle such as planning, monitoring, implementation and evaluation.
- To provide training / capacity building on various aspects of organizational management for the Association partners.
- To publish useful IEC materials like posters, leaflets, magazine, newsletter, books, booklets etc. for Association partners as well as for other NGOs for dissemination and sharing of information without any motive for profit making.
- To share experience, exchange materials and ideas with individuals and organizations at the regional, state, national and international level for networking through publications, training, exhibitions, organizing and participating in meeting, workshop, seminar and conferences.
- To open branches of the society at any place in India.
- To intervene as facilitator with partnership approach ultimately transferring ownership to the community.
- To implement and document any other programme s in keeping with the above broad objectives.
Geography :
In Orissa ADHAR's work is confined in 40 villages and 10 Gram Panchayat in Sonepur Block under Sonepur District, Orissa.
ADHAR is also n process to extend its operation in Murshidabad and MALDA district of West Bengal.
Beneficiaries :
- Need assessment/situation analysis to justify the need as voiced by the people.
- Organization the village meeting to get more insight of the problem.
- Discuss the problem and seeking views of opinion leaders and other stake holders, in the area including PRIs.
- On consensus, preparation of project proposal and forwarded to potential funding organizations.
- (If funding is granted) preparation of the project plan and activities and shared with community people for their further input and assistance.
- Implementation of project activities using local resources( both physical and human resources)
- Development of indicators and monitor the activities by the monitoring team consisting of project coordinator, and village representatives.
- Meeting with the community people, other stake holders in the village (including PRIs) and share the findings of the monitoring and incorporation of their advice into the project activities.
- Completion of planned activities.
- Handing over the assets to the community people.
- Evaluation of the project activities by the representative of the donor agency.