CSR initiatives of Eaton India
Eaton’s CSR activities in India began when the company started operations in Pune after the acquisition of Aeroquip Vickers in 1999. Since then, Eaton has worked with several local and national NGOs such as Maher, Gurukul, NMP+, DeepGriha Society amongst otherson various causes and has extended contributions in the form of man-power, donations and relief material. Over a period, Eaton has aligned its causes to consolidate its CSR strategy, which is now focused on three important causes – Health, Education and Environment.
Eaton’s CSR strategy strives to support and encourage employee involvement in community programs and offer opportunities to employees to make a positive impact on the community. To cite a recent example, through Eaton’s volunteering and funding programs, employees of the company have sponsored education of 9 economically challenged girl students in association with DeepGriha Society. Besides, the education initiatives which require active engagement of teaching faculties, is also completely driven by Eaton volunteers.
Commitment to Ethics
Rooted in Eaton’s corporate philosophy of “Doing Business Right,” Eaton’s commitment to sustainability goes beyond environmental stewardship to include promoting the health, safety and development of employees, and empowering the communities in which we work. Eaton has also been recognized for its uncompromising business ethics that guide every decision it makes around the world.
Eaton India CSR Committee
The Eaton India CSR Committee consists of over 231 registered volunteers who are leading the efforts of Eaton’s CSR activities in India. The committee is responsible for:
- Developing an annual community involvement plan
- Developing a budget to support activities
- Conducting employee-giving campaigns
- Organizing volunteer activities
The registration is open for all Eaton India employees who wish to volunteer for community involvement activities. Community involvement in India is driven by volunteers. Eaton has established a Community Involvement Team, comprised of cross-functional employees committed to making a positive difference to the community. For each of the projects identified under this initiative, there is a core committee enabling end-to-end execution. Any interested employee can register toparticipate in any of the identified projects. Each Business leader at Eaton in India mentors an identified vertical under this initiative.
CSR Meetings
CSR committee holds regular meetings to
- Make new strategies and review past performance
- Respond to community requests for donations and support
- Select proposals to be submitted to the Contributions Committee
Eaton’s Umbrella CSR Causes: Health, Environment and Education
The underprivileged, rural and semi-urban youth face a whole set of different challenges when seeking employment. With access to fewer resources than their urban counterparts, these young men and women rely significantly on their colleges and universities to equip them for a job.
Eaton is sponsoring and participating in A World in Motion (AWIM) program from last three years. Eaton volunteers help students to prepare for the challenges of tomorrow through personal discovery.
Eaton is committed to the cause of “Green and Sustainability” and increasing awareness around environment among employees. With a view to supportingthe “Go Green program” Ranjangaon plant team has formed “Nature Club” on 30th of April 2012.