Lotus Medical Foundation, Kolhapur
6. Child Adoption Program
The programme is in operation since August 2014.
The Point of Significance
Kolhapur District is having registered around 1000 HIV positive children. Many of them do not have parents; many do not have either of the parent. They are taken care by their Grandparents or Aunts and Uncles. Many have one or more negative sibling and are taken care by them. They face medical as well as social problems.
We take care of their medical problems except ART. They get ART from Government set ups. HIV positive children need special treatment in many aspects like, medical care, Nutrition, emotional and psychological support and help for schooling and they need to protect from stigma and discrimination from home also. They are more vulnerable for communicable diseases and opportunistic infections. Their growth is affected by the disease. Nearly all have contacted HIV since birth from HIV positive mother. Many important systems like, respiratory, lymphoid, dental, ears, growth and nutrition are affected and need proper care. Many have tuberculosis and are not treated properly due to side effects and proper weight wise doses are not available.
What We Do :
- Registration with care taker.
- Regular monthly visit – we give the child’s and care taker’s travel allowances so they should not miss the visit.
- Monthly thorough check up with protein, haematinics, multivitamin supplements and appetizers as per need.
- Many of them have chronic respiratory lower tract infections, so we do X-ray when needed and screening for TB by doing ultrasound of abdomen and T.T. test.
- We provide them anti Tuberculosis drugs.
- We also provide warm clothes, school material, entertainment and personal cleaning material as and when needed.
As of Today
In last one and half year we adopted 84 children out of which 41 are boys and 43 are girls. 19 babies were admitted for various reasons. 11 babies are initiated on anti TB treatment from LMF.
Donors And Partners
Lotus Medical Foundation has received donations by Doctors for children care. So we created funds under Child Adoption Program.