Lotus Medical Foundation, Kolhapur
Profile of LMF
A health based NGO; LMF was born out of the common desire of likeminded individuals, of reaching the most disadvantaged and the vulnerable with the right and affordable medical services. LMF initiated its operations in 1999 by starting a Para medical and Nursing College in Kolhapur District to create a source of trained staff to the existing medical service centers towards the provision of efficient medical services to the needy. The colleges, with their objectives intact functioned from 2000 to 2008.
Since 2007, the high prevalence of HIV in Kolhapur district of Maharashtra state has prompted its focus on the awareness and prevention of HIV. While huge progress has been made in increasing access to HIV treatment in the past decade and new HIV infections have substantially declined in some regions, the pandemic continues to outpace the efforts to control it. The epidemic is increasingly spreading from vulnerable groups to the general population and from urban to rural areas. Factors contributing to this increase include increasing migration to high-prevalence areas in search of employment opportunities, high rates of sexually transmitted infections, low levels of awareness in rural areas, low condom use and rising levels of unsafe sex among young people, who comprise most of the group migrating for employment opportunities.
LMF studied and analysed that defeating HIV will require a comprehensive response, and an effective program needs to be scaled up to treat people already infected and prevent new infections. LMF has since then undertaken various projects to tackle the pandemic.
Our Vision
A community, free of new HIV/AIDS infections, devoid of any stigma and discrimination towards those infected, towards their healthy and productive life ahead.
Mission Statement
Spearheading health advocacy, HIV education, HIV prevention programmes for high risk communities, counselling against the dogmas attached and building capacities of the community organisations to fight the pandemic, through a Compassionate, Comprehensive and Quality based approach.
Trustees & Other Contributeries

LMF works through its trust and grant making bodies. The trust composes of following Trustees –
Mr. Sachin Zanwar
Master of Business Management (MBA). He is young, dynamic Industrialist with branches at Mumbai, Ichalkaranji and Malegaon. He serves at different organisations in the capacity of Director like Chamber of commerce, Residency club, Bud’s school, Fort academy and Rotary club.
Mrs. Usha Thorat
former Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India, had a splendid career in Reserve Bank of India for nearly four decades, Chaired and member of various Boards and Committees in the areas of Indian Banking and Finance. She became the first director of CAFRAL in 2011. She is engaged in various social activities. She is trustee of the Indian Cancer Society, Impact India Foundation.
Mr. V. B. Patil
renowned and successful entrepreneur in the area of construction. He holds prominent positions on various committees, Trusts and boards in profit as well as not-for profit sectors. E.g. Director and past president of District central co-op bank, Maharashtra State Co-op Housing finance, Gayan Samaj Deval club, Shahu Blood Bank. He is the recipient of various awards for his contribution - Dalit Mitra by Govt of Maharashtra and Kolhapur Bhushan purskar by carporation.
Dr. Kimaya Shah
Paediatrician and HIV physician, committed to the Medical Profession since 1991. Her contribution in the areas of Health for women and children, especially in the rural areas are very significant. She is deeply devoted in her efforts towards creating awareness regarding HIV and its preventive measures and in providing medical service to the HIV infected.
Mr. Sunil Gundale
Tax consultant by profession, qualified as commerce and law graduate.
Mr. Ramakant Bhingarde
Masters in Management (MBA) is a successful businessman and is expert in the area of Marketing.
Mr. Deepak Shah
MSC in chemistry, successful businessman. He has received various awards for his achievements and contribution in the industrial sector like best small scale industry, Business excellence. He also serves as a trustee and Chairman of various organisations with social objectives
Mr. R. K. Shah
Successful businessman. And he is holding Director Posts at many different social and religious institutes.
Funders, Donors and Partners
The major funders since its inception, strengthening its march towards its mission include Government of India through its various projects – NACO – National AIDS Control Organisation, MSACS – Maharashtra AIDS Control Society, Rotary International through Rotary Central, Inner wheel club of Rotary, Vodafone foundation, Positive Action Children Funds – ViiV UK, KHPT – Karnatak Health Promotion Trust, IL&FS – Infrastructure leasing and finance society, Avert society, Question box, USA
Many individual donors has donated in their own capacity and helped LMF in their different projects.
Activities of LMF
Provision of better and subsidized health services to those infected in a very comprehensive and rigorous way has been central to its mission. LMF has engaged its resources in multifarious activities:
Dr. Kimaya Shah
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