Lotus Medical Foundation, Kolhapur
4. Core Composite Project
This projects works on the principle of ‘End the dread and stop the spread’. In India, Female Sex Workers (FSWs), Men who have sex with Men (MSMs), Transgender/Hijra and Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) have been identified as the core HRGs. This population is at high-risk of HIV infection and it also plays a significant role in the transmission of HIV infection to the general population through the sexual networks. Hence, prevention through focused interventions amongst high risk groups and their sex partners is of extreme importance for controlling HIV epidemic in the country.
The Core Composite TI Project was started in August 2013 and it covers the rural areas of Jaysingpur, Hatkangale, Hupari, Warana Kodoli, Shiroli Pulachi of the Kolhapur district.
The Activities undertaken by the Project are:
Like the other projects, core composite project of LMF focuses on behavioural change through counselling and community based programmes, condom promotion through free distribution of condoms, ICTC camps for HIV testing, and regular follow ups for further treatment required.
Point of Significance
This sector of population is the most discriminated by the rest due to their engagement in certain kind of activities and their sensitivity towards HIV infection. Accessing them and convincing them with the preventive measures regarding HIV and its spread was the most difficult for the project workers. For that innovative approaches that would encourage their confidence and trust towards the project services had to be implemented. Events and programmes like talent shows, dance events, dance competitions, rangoli competitions and special health and ICTC camps for them were organised. Important individuals from different sectors of society and professions like law, police service, media; policy makers were invited for interaction with the target population on various topics. Such activities enabled community mobilisation and effective spread of information regarding HIV.
Staff :
- 1 Project manager -1
- 1 Counselor – 1
- 1 Monitoring and evaluation officer – 1
- 4 Outreach Workers - 4
- 5 Peer Leaders – 15
As of Today
From August 2013 to March 2015, 366 FSWs, 390 MSMs and 54 TGs are identified and reached through various services. Medical camps, counselling sessions, Condom demo and redemos, STI screening and HIV testings are done for them. 16 are identified as HIV positive and are linked with care.
Donors And Partners
The donors for the project are Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (Government Body), India.
The partners in operation are ICTC and ART