Lotus Medical Foundation, Kolhapur
2. Link Worker Project
Many interventions are initiated in the urban areas by the Government and NGOs. This is the first project with rural intervention. The project is in action since March 2010. 100 villages identified as high HIV burden villages. They were selected from the four blocks of Shirol, Hatkanangle, Karveer and Gandhinglaj of the district.
The target population for the project composes of :
- Population with high risk behaviour {Sex workers, Clients of sex workers, Men having Sex with Men (MSM)}.
- Partners/Spouses of Commercial Sex Workers, Vehicle Drivers and Cleaners and Partners/Spouses of Migrant Workers.
- Other vulnerable population – Youth with risk behaviour, Women headed families etc.
The work of the project ranges from linking the target population with the measures and services associated with the prevention of HIV, educating them with the skills on STI/HIV prevention and risk reduction and counselling them through behaviour change programme that encourages HIV/STI testing and in reducing the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and those infected.
Activities implemented under this project include
- ICTC camps for HIV testing and referrals for necessary treatment further.
- STI camps for HIV testing and referrals for necessary treatment further.
- Promotion of use of condoms by free condom distribution through unconventional condom depots at different and specific locations in the target area.
- Different and creative mediums like Street plays with demonstrations and role playing for better and effective awareness creation regarding HIV.
- Display of wall paintings at frequently visited places with information regarding HIV prevention and safety measures towards the avoidance and spread of the same.
Points of Significance
Preconceived notions are the locks on the doors of wisdom. There is a widespread discrimination and stigma against PLHA (People living with HIV/AIDS). There is an urgent need for creating an enabling environment for PLHA and their families. This requires their faith and confidence in the service providers. This was developed through the existing community structures/ groups e.g. Village Health Committees (VHC), Self Help groups (SHG) and Panchayat Raj Institutes (PRI). The village level stakeholders helped for larger information dissemination and effective counselling.
Staff :
- 1 District Resource person
- 1 Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
- 2 Supervisors
- 20 Link Workers
As of Today
Total 482 high risk population of FSW and MSM, 25945 bridge and 8429 vulnerable population is been reached through different field activities. Around 537 old PLHIV and 163 new HIV are identified and brought to treatment.
100 red ribbon clubs, one in each village is formed and 39 information centres are formed. Around 215 unconventional condom depots are formed and are active.
Donors And Partners
The project is funded by Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society(Government Body), India.
The partners in operation are ICTC, ART, Village Health Committees (VHC), Self Help groups (SHG) and Panchayat Raj Institutes (PRI).