Lotus Medical Foundation, Kolhapur
3. Migrant Project
The expansion of industrial sector and growing construction sector in the Kolhapur district has increased the inflow of skilled and unskilled workers from outside states. Majority of this migrants are unskilled and uneducated, who lack the awareness and information regarding HIV/AIDS, its spread and prevention measures and the treatment required.
Activities :
This programme aims at creating and spreading awareness regarding STI, HIV and its preventive measures in the Migrant population through its six fold activities of:
- Creating an enabling environment
- Behavioral change communication
- Management of STI
- Referrals and linkages
- Condom promotion
- Community mobilization
The target population of this project consists of the industrial, construction and hotel industry workers migrated to the Kolhapur district from other states and the nearby districts. In hands with its stakeholders the project operators reach and counsel the target population with the information of HIV and its preventive measures.
The Activities Implemented under the Project are :
This programme aims at creating and spreading awareness regarding STI, HIV and its preventive measures in the Migrant population through its six fold activities of:
- ICTCT camps for HIV testing and STI camps for STI testing are conducted and referrals are made wherever necessary.
- For community mobilization and behavior change it has adopted many creative and entertainment events like sports competitions, street plays, poster displays and Rangoli competitions for the women for better and effective dissemination of information
Point Of Significance
Follow up is the major hindrance in the accessibility and continuity of the benefits of the project due to the migrant characteristic of this population. Peer leaders (PLs) have played a very significant role towards overcoming this hindrance. The PLs are selected from the community itself by the Project Head. They are largely followed by the community and they have the information regarding the migrant population and are willing to devote their time for the project. These peer leaders help in identification of the target population, data collection, provision of information and motivation to the target population through their direct interaction and community mobilisation programmes regarding the benefits of the project and also enable linking the target population to the project services like HIV testing camps, condoms etc.
Staff :
- 1 Project Manager
- 1 Counselor
- 1 Monitoring and evaluation officer
- 7 Out Reach Worker
- 20 Peer Leaders
As of Today
Since August 2010 till March 2015, around 40000 migrant workers are reached through different activities like street plays, poster exhibitions and one to one and one to group counselling sessions. More than 500 medical camps are arranged for them and 11925 HIV testing is done and 110 HIV positives are identified. 150 different condom outlets are established in the areas of Migrant workers.
Donors And Partners
The donors for the project are Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (Government Body), India.
The partners in operation are ICTC, ART and their community leaders.