Lotus Medical Foundation, Kolhapur
1. Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission of HIV (PPTCT)
Issue :
Prevention is better than cure, especially when there is no cure. According to the estimated 30% conservative transmission rate, about 30,000 infants acquire HIV infection for an estimated 1,00,000 HIV infected women delivering every year. Ignorance and lack of proper medical services required towards early detection and prevention increases the health care expenditure at the family level especially of the economically disadvantaged along with a huge psychological demoralization due to the stigma and misunderstanding attached to the disease.
Activities Undertaken :
Operationalised in 2007, the project covers the whole of the Kolhapur district. Under this project the appointed workers educate the general population regarding HIV, its prevention, care and treatment. The pregnant women are identified in the target area through personal door to door visits and through community level programmes in assistance with the community stakeholders and local level groups like the SELF HELP GROUPS. The identified pregnant women are motivated for HIV tests and the positive cases found are linked to ART centre for further medical care and treatment. Appointed outreach workers (ORWs) maintain a regular follow up with these women towards their safe delivery. The new born baby is provided with prophylactic treatment and a regular follow up is maintained ensuring proper treatment at regular intervals for a total period of 18 months from its birth.
The project composes of different activities :
- Motivation and counselling of the population in the target areas regarding HIV through direct interaction and through local level community groups and events.
- Organisation of HIV and STI testing camps at frequent intervals with the help of ICTC.
- Distribution of Picture booklets and Pamphlets in the target area with the necessary information that promotes awareness and use of preventive
- measures regarding HIV, along with the information of the services offered by LMF.
- Distribution and filling up of Referral Slips that facilitate record keeping and easy follow up of the population accessed.
Point of Significance
During the course of the project an apprehension and hesitance was observed in the population of the target areas in revealing the information desired to the project workers. So, the already established sources of their acquaintances were utilized in reaching them with the essential information. Example: Self Help Groups, Anganwadi workers, ASHA workers. This helped in larger access of the population and also enabled easy and continued follow ups.
Staff :
- 1 Project Manager
- 1 Accountant cum Data Entry Operator
- 10 Outreach Workers
As of Today
From 2011 to 2015, 82,948 ANCs have undergone HIV testing under the project. 427 ANCs deliveries are reported out of the 483 HIV positive cases identified. Of the 471 babies tested for HIV, 38 were found positive, which were then provided with the required medical treatment and follow up.
Donors And Partners
Initially IL&FS, India through Global grants and then Positive Action Children Fund, VIIV, UK have funded this project.
The partners in operation are Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MSACS), District Hospital, Sub-District Hospitals, ICTC, ART, Rural Hospitals, PHC, SHGs, Anganwadi and Asha workers.