Banwasi Seva Ashram
Ashram Facilities
Majority of the facilities related to activities of Ashram’s programmes are located at the Ashram headquarters (campus) in Govindpur.
Demonstration Farm :
The Ashram has a demonstration farm on its premises where experiments are conducted on the production of grains, vegetables, fodder, and gardening.
Orchard, Nursery and Forest :
The Ashram has a model orchard where trees like banana, lemon, karaunda, mango, jamun and amala have been planted.and a nursery of fruit plants. The Ashram has also raised a forest on 35 acres of its land Arjun trees are planted on 11 acres for cacoon rearing.Goshala :
Ashram campus has a dairy farm where crossbreed cows and bulls are maintained to help local farmers with artificial insemination. The Ashram dairy farm also provides veterinary services and training to the local farmers. Now the local bread cows are promted in Ashram dairy.Khadi and Gramodyog (Village Industry) Production and Training Centre :
This centre is involved in production and training local villagers.Agrindus Health Clinic :
Health clinic at the Ashram campus attracts patients not only from Sonbhadra district but also from neighbouring districts of Uttar Pradesh and from neighbouring States Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. The clinic has a small pathological laboratory and lodging facility for the sick. The clinic also serves as a training centre for village health friends.Library :
The Agrindus Institute at the campus maintains a library of books useful for the various programmes run by the Ashram and also on the Gandhian thought.School :
BSA runs a high school on its premises. In addition, there are five junior high schools and one primary school at Village Development Centres.Administrative Building :
Ashram’s administrative building houses offices of various departments. In addition, the Ashram has facilities such as a meeting hall (for conducting short term workshops/programs) and a small guest-house to accommodate visitors.Gram Nirman Kendra (Village Development Centres) :
The Ashram maintains thirteen Gram Nirman Kendra in the main work area of the Ashram. At each centre, a team of volunteers is posted to help the surrounding villages in implementing the Ashram’s development initiatives.